The analysis of SuperFish adware

You probably already heard about Superfish adware that was pre-installed on Lenovo PCs, if not you can read it here. In this blogpost I’m making an attempt to analyze it.

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Ghost in the Shellcode 2015: Pirate’s Treasure 500 write-up

This task is a standard keygenme. Solving it would get you 500 points, which is a bit high for the difficulity.

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OlympicCTF: Binathlon 400 write-up

This task was unusual and old school.

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Fooled by Andromeda

There is a malware with name “Andromeda”, that recently started to spread again.

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How to create an anonymous IDA PRO database (.IDB)

Probably it’s not secret for you that every .IDB files contains header with your license information.

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Recent Posts

The analysis of SuperFish adware

Ghost in the Shellcode 2015: Pirate’s Treasure 500 write-up

OlympicCTF: Binathlon 400 write-up

Fooled by Andromeda

How to create an anonymous IDA PRO database (.IDB)

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